Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Sure-Fire Shortcut to Competitive Advantage

All businesses that outperform their competitors have two key characteristics in common: a highly-energized workforce, plus hordes of delighted customers that keep coming back. Two nice things to have - but of course everyone knows the reason so few businesses enjoy a clear competitive advantage is precisely because these two things are so difficult to achieve. But wait. If its really as difficult as all that, shouldnt those few businesses that manage to pull it off be absolutely exhausted by the effort? When you take a close look (as I have) at those rare businesses that consistently achieve both objectives - flashpoint businesses, as I refer to them - what you invariably see is just the opposite. Employees at all levels seem perpetually fired up, as if every day theyre engaged in some kind of fun group activity. Is there some big secret about "energized workers" and "delighted customers" that these flashpoint businesses understand, and everyone else seems to have somehow missed?

There most certainly is. And it has to do with what most people consider the basic difference between "work" and "play". The first step on a shortcut to competitive advantage is to understand the specific elements that make play so much more satisfying than work.

Play Element 1: Challenge

Achieving better bowling scores would be so much easier if the bowling pins were closer. On the other hand, who would pay to go to a bowling alley where anyone could knock down all the pins every time with ease? Knocking them all down over and over again would quickly begin to feel like the kind of repetitive, pointless activity most bowlers experience at their jobs, and go bowling precisely to get away from. To be fun, it has to be a real challengethats key.

In most workplaces, there is no one single well-defined mission that takes precedence over everything else. Instead, there are all kinds of tasks and objectives and deadlines that often make workers feel theyre being pulled in a dozen directions at once. For many, the only real challenge on the job is resisting the temptation to quit.

Contrast this with flashpoint businesses, where the one crystal-clear overriding mission is to draw business away from competitors by attempting to delight every customer every time. In these businesses, the reason it looks like workers are having fun is because in many ways their work feels like a game with a single, challenging, shared objective.

Shortcut to Competitive Advantage, Part One: Challenge everyone in your business to think of -outperforming the competition through superior customer care as the primary objective that overrides all others at all times.

Play Element 2: Rules

Every play activity has it own elaborate set of rules. In a new game, even before play begins, all the rules are carefully spelled out. These rules add to the challenge, and keep the game fair for all.

In the work setting, the rules are often vague and unclear. They may even seem to shift and change from time to time, based on different situations as they arise. Workers often feel reluctant to take initiatives, unsure if doing so will later earn them praise (for thinking outside the box) or rebukes (for breaking the rules). They tend to adopt a play-it-safe approach.

By comparison, most flashpoint businesses spell out their values and their prioritiesthe rulesover and over again. Your goal is to delight the customer, but not by doing anything that harms the organization in any way. We want to pull business away from our competitors, but never in an unlawful or underhanded way.

Shortcut to Competitive Advantage, Part Two: Ensure that your workers understand how the game is to be playedhow, for example, you will be giving them opportunities to come up with their own ideas for enhancing the customer experience. Clarify what constitutes a foul or a violation of the rules.

Play Element 3: Scoring

In play activities of every kind, there exists some sort of scoring mechanism that lets the players know immediately how well theyre doing. This immediacy is critical. How popular would bowling be if the pins were in the dark, and players never found out how well they played until their scores arrived in the mail weeks later?

This is what it feels like for most workers on the job. They dont find out how well theyre doing until the quarterly reports come out, or until their annual performance evaluation meeting.

Things are different in flashpoint businesses. There, spontaneous positive feedback from happy customers becomes the number-one scoring mechanism. At the same time it also serves as the number-one employee motivator, the basis for endless internal celebration and recognition.

Shortcut to Competitive Advantage, Part Three: Harvest immediate positive customer feedback by every means at your disposal, (especially informal face-to-face conversation), and direct as much of this feedback as possible to your workers.

Play Element 4: Satisfaction

Bowlers know before every game that they wont succeed in knocking down every pin every time. Players in every kind of game know theyll never achieve a perfect scorebut this does nothing to diminish their attempts to do so. And when their score tells them their performance has moved closer to the unachievable goal, their feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment is profound. Theres shouting and high-fiveing and every kind of exuberant victory dance imaginable.

Flashpoint businesses also know they wont succeed in delighting every customer every time. But when the feedback indicates theyve moved closer to that unattainable objective, the same kind of cheering and celebration erupts. Its something thats almost never experienced in the majority of workplaces, and its something thats almost routine in flashpoint businesses. Theyve once gain beat the opposing team, and once again the dance of victory unites all of them in their shared accomplishmentand in their shared determination to play the game again, and strive together to win another round.

Shortcut to Competitive Advantage, Part Four: Create a culture of celebration that maximizes workers sense of accomplishment with every rave review from delighted customers. This is the motivational fuel that quickly gains the most powerful competitive edge in any businessand helps sustain it over the long term.

Customer-focus consultant Paul Levesques latest book is Customer Service From The Inside Out Made Easy (Entrepreneur Press, 2006).

Copyright Paul Levesque. All Rights Reserved. Beverlie Blog83065
Bertha Blog39159

Health and Prayer and Success

Health and prayer ... does it lead to success? They do not necessarily go hand in hand, but it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation.

The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vicent Peale, was written nearly fifty years ago and has sold over five million copies. It is still in print today. What I find remarkable about Peale's book is that it championed the healing powers of prayer decades before science confirmed Peale's observations. Modern-day cynics might disregard prayer and speak scornfully of religion. But first-rate science has now demonstrated the amazing power of spirituality in general and prayer in specific. I don't mean to suggest that spirituality, religion, and prayer be adopted simply as another technique for improving mood and enhancing positive thought. The religious or spiritual impulse must first come out of deeply held beliefs, which are beyond the scope of this article. But if you have this impulse, then practicing your religious or spiritual belief will be extremely beneficial to your health and life.

CONVENTIONAL WISDOM: Religion is for the weak and old.
THE REALITY OF SUCCESS: Get on your knees to succeed!

The Bio-makeup of Prayer

Scientific, not anecdotal, studies now show that prayer works wonders on health. Of the three hundred studies on spirituality in scientific journals, the National Institute of Health Research found that 75 percent showed that religion and prayer have a positive effect on health. I'm also recommending that you use spirituality to build positive thought and a great mental attitude. Consider the following studies.

One of the first Studies to address the issue of prayer and health was a controversial study by Dr. Randolph Byrd. Dr. Byrd explored the benefits of intercessory prayer or prayer for others. He reported on the "Positive Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in a Coronary Care Unit." This ten-month double-blind study took place in a large county hospital in San Francisco. Half the subjects were prayed for and half were not; not only did the subjects not know whether they were being prayed for or not, but the people praying also did not know the patients for whom they were praying. The study found that the patients who were prayed for had fewer cases of congestive heart failure, less pneumonia, less need for antibiotics, and fewer cardiac arrests than those who weren't. Although some scientists questioned Byrd's method and claimed that one can't control intercessory prayer for the group not prayed for (after all, their families might be praying for them), Byrd's study became a landmark in that it opened an important question. And several subsequent studies showed concrete health benefits of prayer.

In a study of thirty female patients recovering from hip fractures, those who regarded God as a source of strength and comfort and who attended religious services were able to walk farther upon discharge and had lower rates of depression than those who had little faith.

One study by Harold G. Koenig, M.D., Director of Duke University's Center for the Study of Religion/Spirituality and Health, measured interleukin-6 blood levels in a church group. High levels of interleukin-6 usually indicate a lowering of immune function, and the church group members had lower interleukin-6 levels, indicating enhanced immune function.
In another study, Dr. Koenig discovered that religion-active older people tend to have lower blood pressure than those who are less active. "The likelihood of having a diastolic blood pressure of 90 or higher, the level most often associated with increased risk for strokes or heart attacks, was 40 percent lower among those who attended a religious service at least once a week and prayed or studied the Bible at least once a day, than among those who did so less often. In yet another study with the elderly, Harold Koenig, M.D., and David Larson, M.D., found that people sixty and older who attended religious services at least once a week were 56 percent less likely to have been hospitalized in the previous year than those attending services less frequently.

A Dartmouth Medical School study found that of 232 patients who underwent elective heart surgery, the very religious were three times more likely to recover than those who were not. The most consistent indicator of survival was the amount of strength or comfort the patients said they received from their religious faith. In fact, the more religious they described themselves, the greater the protective effect. Of 37 patients who described themselves as "deeply religious," none died. The researchers also found that the more socially active patients had higher survival rates. More time spent in religious activity correlated with more overall happiness and satisfaction.

So the more religious you are, the better for your emotional health. That seems contrary to the conventional wisdom. How many times have you heard friends complain about a strict religious upbringing and about how much it "screwed them up." And how many times have you heard experts argue that authoritarian religious upbringing or doctrine may damage mental health. New research indicates that the only damage done is when people abandon their religion. Listen to these results from a large, long-term University of Pennsylvania study.

Professor Martin Seligman considered nine major religions in the U.S.:

Fundamentalist: These groups interpret their religious texts quite literally and impose a lot of day-to-day regulation upon their followers. Professor Seligman looked at three religions that show heavy religious involvement and influence.

Orthodox Jews

Moderates: Groups who no longer blindly accept the faith.

Conservative Jews

Liberals: Groups who encourage individuality, tolerance, and skepticism. The individuals are free to decide the extent to which they believe any religious dogma.

Reformed Jews

"We found that the more authoritarian religions produce more hope and optimism. The questionnaire and analysis of sermons and liturgy showed that fundamentalist individuals were significantly more optimistic and hopeful than moderates, who in turn were more optimistic and hopeful than liberal individuals. The more frequently people participated in fundamentalist religious activities, the less likely they were to report emotional distress," Professor Seligman says. "A causal model that takes into account religious influence in daily life and the effects of religious involvement, religious hope, and religious liturgy on explanatory style seems to account exhaustively for the effect of fundamentalism on optimism." Of course, the more religious people might have been more optimistic to start out, but religion only strengthened their optimism. In previous articles I've explained that a positive explanatory style is incredibly potent, performing as well as drugs in the treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Are we then saying that to be "successful" that you must pray? No, but the power of prayer and spiritual belief should not be disregarded as meaningless when talking about health and/or success in life.

Dr Leo Kady

Dr Leo Kady is a retired physician and researcher and relishes information in a variety of fields. Dr Kady is an editor for ... Please feel free to peruse more articles on health at Blog75406
Alejandrina Blog52333

5 Ways to Get Faster Results From Your Raw Food Diet

When I first learned about the raw food diet, it took me years to figure out how to do it properly. Then it took me even more years - making mistakes and compromising my health - until I started experiencing the benefits I was looking for from the start!

Let's face it, if you're going to bother changing your diet at all, there's got to be a reason for doing it. I would bet you want to improve your health and energy, right?

But why take years to get those results, when you can get them in months or even weeks? Here are some of the things that I've found can help you get faster results from your raw food diet.

1. Incorporate Fitness

It's interesting to note that even though a person may be fit but unhealthy (think of all the athletes who died of a heart attack!), it's *not* possible to be healthy without being fit.

Until you reach the point where your body fat is at an optimal level and your fitness above average, you probably won't get all the results you're looking for even with an ideal diet.

Fit people not only digest better, the entire process of nutrition is improved with improved fitness. This means assimilation will be better, blood sugar will be more under control, and much more besides.

To start improving your fitness, you have to identify your areas of weakness and work on improving these first. We explain how to do this in the Perfect Health Program and we put it into action in our 30-Day Body Enlightenment System.

2. Address Emotional Issues

Just like fitness, your emotions are an integral part of your nutrition. You've probably had the experience of hearing a piece of bad news and suddenly losing your appetite. This shows that emotions are an integral part of how your body processes food. It's an essential part of your health.

Often people jump into a raw-food diet, hoping that it will help them clear emotional problems, when in fact it puts these problems right in their face and they can't deal with it!

Let's face the fact that most people eat for emotional reasons, most of the time. It's really easy to do so with heavily processed or fatty foods, because these foods literally drug us and numb our feelings.

With raw foods, it's harder to eat emotionally. That's why you don't see lonely overweight people eating buckets of apples to comfort their feelings. Instead, they do it with a pint of ice-cream!

Be aware and ready to feel and face your emotions. Equip yourself with whatever tools are necessary to get over emotional baggage - including self-improvement seminars, tapes, and group support.

3. Cleanse

One of the best ways to accelerate your health success is to go on some sort of cleanse, such as the Green Cleanse or the one included in the Body Enlightenment System.

A cleanse should be easy to do, while giving you results in terms of increased energy, weight *release* (if necessary), and increased vitality and health.

My favorite cleanses are:

- Green Cleanse: consuming only green smoothies and fruit for 5 to 10 days or longer.

- Fruit Cleanse: consuming only mono meals of fruit for 3 to 7 days or longer.

- Low Fat Cleanse: consuming only fruits and vegetables without any fat (avocados, oils, etc.) for 3 to 7 days or longer.

While it's possible to do a cleanse on your own, it's best if you have someone to coach and support you in the process.

4. Find Raw Friends

Feeling alone and isolated can kill your success with the raw diet! It's very important to find at least one buddy who can support and encourage you on this path.

Now with the Internet, it's possible to connect with more people than ever. In our different programs (such as the Body Enlightenment System), we have seen the value of offering phone coaching and support, as well as discussion forum support.

Connect with other raw-food enthusiasts using available resources, such as local potlucks, teleseminars and phone coaching, coaching programs and discussion forums.

5. Get a Coach and a System

Besides lack of social support, the reason why most people don't succeed with a raw-food program is that they don't have anybody coaching them personally and showing them a system that works for incorporating all of the different elements of a healthy lifestyle.

Unless you think you can do it on your own, you need someone to show you a system that works!

No matter what the coach and system you choose for yourself, you have to make sure that:

- You find a supportive and non-judgmental coaching environment, yet one that challenges you enough to keep improving.

- You have enough quality tools and easy-to-use systems to make progress with your health, fitness and diet.

- The support you get is *constant* or *daily*, not just occasional.

- The program or coach you choose has a track record of success and lots of experience in the field.

Make no mistake about it, you can either take 2 months to put all of the pieces of a healthy raw lifestyle together, or you can take 2 years or 20 years! Do yourself a favor and choose the shortest route to success.

Frederic Patenaude, is the author of the book "The Raw Secrets". Sign up for his weekly "Raw Vegan Tips, and as a bonus, get your free "raw recipe of the week". Visit while this bonus is still offered." Allison Blog68240
Cecily Blog66560

Website Basics-Choosing a Hosting Plan

Once your website has been created, it is time to make it go live on the internet. In order to do so, you will need a hosting plan. A hosting plan is different from a domain name. You own your domain name but you rent a hosting plan. A hosting plan in its simplest terms is paying a company to broadcast your website onto the internet. This article covers what to look for in a hosting plan.

SERVICE The number one thing to look for in a hosting plan is service. It does not matter that a multitude of features are offered or if the price is low if the service you will be getting with your hosting plan is sub par or even worse, nonexistent. Once your website is live on the internet you will want it to be up all the time. Therefore should a problem occur it is important to select a hosting provider that is readily available and will resolve the issue in as timely a manner as possible.

UPTIME What is the hosting company's "uptime guarantee". Many guarantee 99% uptime for their servers. That sounds great, but it does mean that your site could go down for 1% of the time, which means over 7 hours out of each month! If you can, choose a host guaranteeing 99.9 uptime.

SIZE How large is your site? Most sites do not require much space but if you're planning on having a large site with a lot of multimedia content or an ecommerce site selling multiple items, you'll probably need additional disk space.

DESIGN How was your Web site designed? For example, if you designed a website using ASP or ASP.NET, you'll need to find a Windows hosting plan. If you have a Web site that uses CGI or PHP, you'll need to get a Linux hosting plan. For the novice user who is building a simple website the above may not be a consideration at first, but may become important later on as you become more experienced and add more features to your website.

TRAFFIC How much traffic or how many visitors do you expect monthly? The more visitors or traffic you expect on your site, the higher the bandwidth you will need.

At we offer 99.7% guaranteed uptime and service 24/7, and a variety of shared hosting, virtual dedicated hosting, and dedicated hosting plans with either Linux or Windows operating systems for every need and budget ranging from the small personal website to large online multimedia sites to those interested in ecommerce website building. Check us out HERE.

StartMyWebsiteToday.COM was created by Richard James to provide information and website building tools tailored to all levels of expertise from beginner to expert and for all budgets from shoestring to unlimited. More articles on related subjects can be found by visiting: This article is copyrighted, please do not alter in any way.Bibi Blog21522
Annaliese Blog32276

Amnesty International Grants Stay Of Execution To Victims Of Terrorism

The laudable but not overwhelmingly effectual organization, Amnesty International, released an unusual report that had two well-balanced goals.

The first was, as one would expect, to point out abuses that suspected terrorists can be exposed to, for instance, summary shipment to Gitmo, with a reward paid for their apprehension, and to advocate that the rights of the suspects that are being wronged be transformed into wrongs that are being righted.

But the second goal demonstrated an unusual sensitivity for those who have been tortured and executed. The always fair-minded organization brought its name to life by declaring that the victims had amnesty and therefore were not really dead.

Unfortunately, implementation of both advocacies proved beyond the power of Amnesty International.

At least, for the foreseeable future, terrorists will continue to be shipped off to incarceration in balmy Cuba, with grateful rewards being forked over for their apprehension, and the dead did will continue not to realize that they have been granted amnesty.

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing for the theater "delightfully funny," "witty," with "great humor" and "good, genuine laughs."Allx Blog99056
Annabal Blog83633

So You Want to Save Some of Your Money

I have always wanted to start a magazine like the one I just found. Even have thought about doing a newsletter with the finds that I come across. This magazine has everything that I would include and a few extras.. The magazine is Arthur Frommer's' Smart Shopping and you can also go to

They have an area in the magazine where people write in about ways to save money, places they've found and other advice. Now one of the letters was saying that there aren't a lot of places online that are easily found and I want to put this letter to its resting place. Here are a few that I frequent; The Frugal Shopper, Frugal Families, and finally FreeLanceByU.

Now with the last one, the lady that owns this site has been features in several articles plus on TV. I have found a lot of great deals like last year I found out that on a particular day IHop was giving away free pancake breakfast. I also found out about a special that was unadvertised that McDonalds had.

Now if you have some sort of medical need and you have an EBay account then look in the section for medical supplies. I am a diabetic and for awhile was on the insulin pump. Supplies can be quite expensive but I found a bunch of them on EBay and saved over 60% of my money. Now if you are selling on EBay then look at or A lot of these stores that sell closeouts are finding their product on these 2 sites.

If you want a great deal on a computer or an accessory then visit They are mainly a wholesale company but sell retail through the site I just gave you. If you resell software on EBay then look at Now if you have an email address then you need to sign up for GoogleAlerts. I have done this on 'saving money', 'frugal living',' Frugal shopping' and a few other terms.

Here's a great money saving tip for any site owner who to get listed on Yahoo without have to pay a few hundred dollars. Get a Yahoo account and on your site have RSS and have your site added to you Yahoo page. This will get Yahoo to crawl your site. This sites main page has a page rank of 4 but yet I never paid for any submission service. I think a lot has to do with the techniques I used to get crawled by the Search engines.. Another way is to do manual submission on the main directory sites. DMOZ is the directory that a lot of the search engines use and you can be listed just by suggesting your site.

Now some things about saving money are just common sense, like tonight my wife was talking about how she has until the end of the month to renew the tags on our Jeep but the DMV requires a legal Birth Certificate. Because she doesn't have this and has waited so long about trying to get one that we now have to pay so much extra for expedited service. Normally we would be looking at a cost of only about $12 but now it's going to cost us about $40 because of the rush. Common sense tells us that we should have either had a copy in a safe place or requested another one several months ago.

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoAdria Blog99611
Celestine Blog52849

Discover the Field of Natural Medicine in Online Education Programs

With the rise of online degrees and the opportunities it provides students, Natural medicine has seen a huge increase in employment opportunities.

What is Natural Medicine?

Natural medicine, one of the fastest growing fields in the 21st century, includes several different fields such as naturopathy, nutrition, herbology, massage therapies, acupuncture, and many other types of holistic medicine.

As more people begin to experiment with homeopathic medicine in their lives, the demand for alternative medicine practitioners will continue to increase.

Online Programs for Natural Medicine

Although certain types of natural medicine, such as massage therapies and acupuncture, need practical hands-on experience, there are several other types that can be studied online.

Like all online classes, these programs can be done at your own convenience from your home computer, allowing you to continue with your full-time job or any other obligations while studying for a career in alternative medicine.

The entry requirements and offered online courses for these programs vary greatly, so it is worth investigating the specific classes you wish to take carefully before selecting one.

Career Opportunities for Graduates of Homeopathic Medicine

One in-demand career choice in alternative medicine is a nutrition consultant. This involves educating your clients about their nutritional needs and how to balance their diet for optimum health.

Another option is to study holistic medicine and become a Holistic Health Practitioner. This involves learning a combination of naturopathy, nutrition, herbs, and various mind/body therapies.

Or you could focus strictly on herbs and become a professional Herbalist, since many people today seek these natural medicine remedies to fight common ailments.

Demand for all of these careers and more will continue to increase as natural medicine becomes even more popular in this new millennium. With the convenience of online classes and online degrees available for Homeopathic Medicine, your opportunity to move into this field is exciting.


Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Angelle Blog3547
Carol Blog65990

Enjoy Flower Growing - Be On Your Way To Becoming A Greenthumb

What type of work do you feel you would be attracted to? You would like it most if it gives you the satisfaction of creating something. Imagine how elated you would be to look at the painting you have just finished to your satisfaction on the canvas that was once empty. Compare that with the feeling when you look at the plant, you had been nurturing from its seed stage on your once empty soil, blooming with flowers today. Flowers fill in the area around you with beauty and fragrance. Birds visit your garden. And thus flower growing takes you back to the lap of nature, educates you and fills your mind with peace, tranquility and happiness. Your hard labor would be really rewarding.

If you feel interested refer first to a flower guide, to see which flowers may interest you. Which are the flowers that most appeal to you? Lilies, chrysanthemums, tulips, orchids and roses are a few among the most popular. Most lily varieties live one or two weeks. Oriental, Asiatic and LA are some of its varieties. Chrysanthemum is a multi-bud flower and comes in a multitude of colors and in button size too. It lasts 1-2 weeks. Tulip flowers have 3 inner petals and 3 outer sepals that look much like petals. Rose comes in a variety of colors. It may be bicolor too and lasts 7-10days. Growing roses is very popular no doubt. Orchids too are beautiful exotic flowers and require minimal care. Another plus point is that growing orchids can easily be done indoors.

First take stock of the environment where you are going to create your garden and test the soil pH with a simple pH testing kit to determine whether it is acidic or alkaline. Alkaline substances have larger pH numbers and fewer hydrogen ions. Note that arid regions tend to have alkaline soils and regions with heavy rainfall tend to have acidic soils. Now depending on the data you are equipped with decide which plants you would like to select for your flower garden.

You have to make some arrangements before you begin planting though. You may need to purchase, plant anchors/stakes, plant netting, tree-guards etc... It's also a good idea to do some weeding beforehand. Providing nutrients, and keeping your soil healthy should be one of your primary concerns. Pest control and utilizing repellants against small animals should also be taking into consideration.

Some gardening tools are indispensable. You have to equip yourself with properly selected tools. Shovels, trowels, hoes, garden forks and water cans and hose are some of the important tools. Forged tools will cost more but they would be more durable. Use a steel brush to clean off tools after each use.

To gain success in growing flowers you have to toil hard no doubt. You may have to exchange experience with other gardeners, read books, look online, etc... The amount of time and energy you put into your garden directly effects the level of skill you attain. Start growing flowers today, and in no time you'll be on your way to becoming a successful greenthumb.

Chad Harris is the founder of At we have information about buying, growing, and caring for flowers and plants.Anabal Blog57538
Cathe Blog24149

Consolidate Private Student Loans - 4 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Consolidate private student loans into one manageable loan. Instead of trying to juggle multiple private student loans, why not lump them together and make it easier to manage each month? When you consolidate your private student loans, you replace all of your outstanding private loans with one large private student loan. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really. In fact it's easy and here are the benefits that you'll enjoy.

The key benefit when you consolidate private student loans is lower monthly payments. Instead of making multiple monthly payments on different loans, you would have only one monthly payment. That one monthly payment will be less than the total amount of payments of all the other loans combined. Frankly, this is the time when you need your money the most - for rent, furniture, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a family...

By lumping your private student loans into one loan, you make repayment much more convenient. You get to deal with only one lender and that reduces the risk of forgetting about or missing payments. There's much less paperwork to worry about and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different due dates.

Consolidating your private student loans provides you the opportunity to get a lower interest rate and that saves you money. Lower interest charges help to offset the cost of lowering your monthly payment. So in the end, you can have lower monthly payments without extending your loan as far as you would have.

One of the added benefits of consolidating your private student loans is you can improve your credit score. When you receive a consolidation loan, the funds are used to pay off all of the loans being consolidated. So, in effect, you have just successfully paid off multiple loans - on time or early. And that goes a long way to improving your credit score.

So how exactly does that benefit you? Remember, the house or car you want to buy? That's going to take a mortgage or car loan. A better credit score means you pay less interest and that saves you money. In the case of a mortgage, it can mean thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

If you want to lower your monthly payments, make them more convenient by dealing with only one loan and get a lower interest rate, you should consolidate private student loans. It not only helps keep your money at a time when you need it but it helps you improve your chances of saving more money on future loans.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides student loan consolidation information and solutions.Bertha Blog39159
Alyce Blog36254

New Travel Technology

One of the new ways to market your travel business is by the use of email. Fast delivery is the key to a successful campaign. The first thing you need to do is to get permission to send these emails by having an opt-in describing the future content of your mails and the other is to have an opt-out in the actual emails that you send to prospective clients. You should follow guidelines set out by mailbox providers to ensure that your emails get past their spam blockers.

Have you ever heard the term SEO (search engine optimization)? If you havent, you should sit up and take notice, especially if you have your own web site. SEO is a broad term which encompasses various methods of optimization including conducting sometimes exhaustive keyword research and the improving hyperlinks that link back to your own web site. For a travel web site, the best back links would be from other travel related web sites.

If you have your own travel web site you should spend some time spreading your links across the internet by submitting your URL (universal resource locator) to as many travel and holiday web directories as possible. You can also link to other related travel sites and reciprocate this by linking back to them, though it is always better to have a one way link that points to your site.

One of the most important features a travel company needs on their web site is the capability for users to search for holidays, flights; cruises etc and be able to book them online. Any travel web site worth its salt now has these features and their number of sales reflects this. More that 80% of travelers who plan their holidays make their bookings online. See for an example. These back-end programs though are not for the novice web programmer to construct and unless you are used to producing server code I suggest you outsource for this complexity of programming.

Blogs are the latest thing to hit the internet. These can be a very potent marketing tool that can reach out to new customers. People love to be told travel stories and blogs allow you and others to post new content and update it quickly.

Podcasts are yet another way to reach your customers. Podcasts can contain video and audio so you could shorten or use sections of your promotional holiday video and make it available for download by the millions of people who own an iPod.

In brief, if you are in the travel industry, if you dont embrace all the technology that is at your disposal, you may be left behind.

David Kirkwood - I am reasonably new to the travel industry though find the subject very interesting. I am sure that I can bring something new to the table from the other industries I have worked in. See an example of the type of site I am working on now at: Blog8756
Cathe Blog24149

Debt Consolidation Loans Make Life Simple And Easy

Have debts left you helpless and unable to have stability in your life? Well then it is time for you to think of a solution to these multiple debts. Looking for an answer, debt consolidation loans come out to be the most convincing of them all. With the debt consolidation loans, you can come out of your debt problems without any hassles.

Debt consolidation loans help in the removal of the multiple debts of a borrower which he is not able to repay at that point of time. More than two debts amounting to more than 5000 can be consolidated using debt consolidation loans.

The debt consolidation loans unify all the debts of the borrower that he owes to various lenders and pays all of them with a lump sum payment. Now the borrower has only one loan to repay which is the debt consolidation loan. All this reduces the hassles of the borrower considerably.

The debt consolidation loans provide various benefits to the borrower like:

* Unification of multiple debts into one single loan
* Reduces monthly installments payable by the borrower
* Saves money as the loan is borrowed at a lower interest rate.
* Hassle free processing
* Can help in improvement of bad credit history

Bad credit score, CCJs, arrears and defaults do not impede the borrowers from taking up debt consolidation loans. Although they are offered slightly higher rates but that can be cut down by proper research for the loan which can be done online.

Debt consolidation loans can prove to be the appropriate choice for borrowers having debts amounting to more than 5000. However borrowers are suggested to spend with more care in the future so that such conditions are not created again.

So, an apt choice can do wonders for the financial status. Opting for debt consolidation loan can improve the financial condition of a borrower and reduces his hassles.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at LoansUK with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles.To find Debt Consolidation Loans, secured Loans, unsecured loans, personal loans, personal loans UK, secured loans UK, unsecured loans UK open that best suits your need visit Blog28528
Arabella Blog73919

TV Shows to Watch in Syndication

These days, it seems that shows really never go off the air: they live forever in syndication. Its not exactly the same, with every show labeled a rerun and being one you have likely seen (or maybe have memorized), but syndicated shows allow our favorite series to exist in places other than our hearts. Still, syndication isnt for every show, or at least it shouldnt be. The following is our list of the Best TV Shows to Watch in Syndication, shows that are constantly just as funny and just as endearing as they ever were.

Seinfeld: George. Kramer. Elaine. Jerry. A show about nothing was nothing but spectacular. From the Soup Nazi to Georges mother, from Uncle Leo to Elaines penchant for deciding if dates were sponge worthy, from Puddy to Peterman, Seinfeld touched on the absurdities of life in the most sensible manner. This show only gets better with age, unlike the marble rye bread Jerry stole from a helpless old lady.

The Simpsons: If Seinfeld were a cartoon, it would rival The Simpsons. Filled with a jumble of original characters (Heidily-ho, neighbor), The Simpsons continually remains animated in every sense of the word. Brilliantly written, it is filled with episodes you sometimes have to watch four or five times just to get every joke. This is one series that (when it does go off the air) will never get old.....much like the characters themselves.

Full House: Uh, just kidding. I know: how rude.

The Wonder Years: Generally thought of as a comedy, this show was filled with dramatic coming of age moments. Set in the late sixties and early seventies, it follows Kevin Arnold as he struggles with the trials of growing up. His family a hippy sister, a bullying brother, a stern father, and a stay at home mom his allergic to everything best friend, and his childhood crush all have importance in his life. A show that was heartfelt and honest, The Wonder Years is a series people can relate to at any age.

Saturday Night Live: Saturday Night Live has certainly had its ups and downs, with some episodes making us laugh till we cry and others making us long for a Golden Girls marathon to watch instead. But, the thing about SNL is when its good, its great. The series that brought us Nick the Lounge Singer, Waynes World, The Church Lady, Buckwheat, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey, Matt Foley, Pat, the Spartan Cheerleaders, and Stuart Smalley, Saturday Night Live reruns are good enough, theyre smart enough, and doggone it, people like them.

Northern Exposure: One of those shows that just didnt get enough respect when it was on the air, syndication gives us a chance to right a wrong. A series that follows a New York doctor as he tries to make a life in a small Alaskan town, Northern Exposure was often bizarre, usually eccentric, but always original. It also had a unique way of being completely out there and totally real at the same time. The way it depicted the clash of people from different upbringings was right on the money. This is one show people will always be glad to expose themselves to, time and time again.

Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for Possessing an infatuation with pop culture and a gift for stalking she keeps up on the latest news of the musical world. Aundrea Blog29932
Alyson Blog60501

There Are Thousands of Fun PDA Software Types Available Today

You just got a new PDA. Sure it has all the normal programs, file managers, email, and everything you need to get any job done, but what about the fun PDA software, the games, the photo manager, and the video players? Where are they? Have no fear! There are literally thousands of different games, videos, photos, and other fun PDA software packages that you can purchase and download to your new PDA with ease.

For those who are into gaming, there are millions of fun PDA packages that you can download that will combine some of your favorite games all into one great package for you to enjoy. From word games to action games, you can find everything you like available for download over the Internet. Much of the newest PDA software for gaming that is on the market today will allow you to pick and choose numerous games to download, such as puzzle games or the newest action games for the PSP. There are many great sites that even offer monthly packages, where you can download and try out different games each month. And, with all the great, new games that come out each and every month, you are sure to get some of the best games that are available for your PDA.

For those who are into video or live television, you can also purchase and download special PDA software that will allow you to watch live television and video from your PDA. So, while you are on a business trip, you can enjoy all your favorite shows, videos from home, or anything you wish, all from the comfort of your PDA. Or, you can purchase and download virtual radio players that will allow you to hear all of your favorite radio programs, from music to talk to sports to politics. No matter what radio shows you love, you'll find them with PDA software for virtual radio.

So, no matter what it is you like to do for fun, you can find the perfect PDA software that will allow you to enjoy your PDA while you are away from home. By downloading the software that allows you to enjoy the fun side of your PDA, you will feel right at home, no matter where you are. Most PDA software for gaming, video, photos, television, or whatever you prefer is available though several sites on the web, and most are inexpensive so even the most savvy money watcher can afford to have a little fun on their PDA.

Jones Wright owns and operates Pda SoftwareAnet Blog81411
Brandi Blog44555

Dangers Of Illegal Computer Disposal

If your computer broke tomorrow and it was beyond repair, what would you do with it? Well chances are that after slamming it against the wall in a fit of rage, youre going to throw it in the trashcan in your garage. Alongside all the other non-recyclable trash your household created this week, the trash men will come pick it up, condense it in their truck, and dump it into a huge pile of waste. The huge pile of waste will be compacted even more, and then sent out to some island where all the huge piles of your garbage go. Sounds simple, right?

Sure, its simple enough; until a bird lands on your crunched piece of laptop and dies from exposure to the acid that leaked out of the battery. Gasp! Alright, you say to yourself, Ill take the battery out and burn it in my backyard instead of throwing it in the trash. Well unless youd like an explosion in your backyard, then no, you should NOT burn any old battery solely because you know is it wrong to throw it in the trash.

So what exactly do you do with this battery? How about all the other parts of the computer that still function? After you consider all of the minute details that go into making a computer work, and you realize that your computer might be broken beyond repair but that the tiny pieces could function perfectly in someone elses computer, it seems like a big waste to be disposing of the entire thing with one careless toss into the garbage. Not only would you be polluting the environment, adding to the amount of waste your family creates, and putting innocent animals at danger with the improper disposal of your computer, but you would also be wasting hundreds of dollars worth of useful items in a computer that can probably be refurbished anyways.

Aside from the battery leaking acid in a waste heap, other environmental concerns are with toner or ink from printers, glass pieces from tiny light bulbs, and other wires and metal pieces tangled inside every computer. Luckily, there are companies that deal with computer disposal or refurbishing to make your job a lot easier. If you feel the need to bash your computer against the wall in a fit of rage, simply wrap it up and send it to a computer disposal company who will, oftentimes for free, properly dispose of your computer. If your computer stops working or you simply care to invest in an updated version, then there are companies who you can send it to who will pay you for the parts that are still useable and will refurbish the computer so they can re-sell it or donate it to a low-income family or agency once it works again.

One might think, Well, I know of a charity that could really use my old computer. I will donate it on my own. Not so fast, buddy. Donating an older computer to an organization that you think could really use it doesnt always work out so well. In many instances, the computer will cease to work after a couple of months, and the organization might have to spend more money to repair it. It is poor etiquette to donate something when you are not quite sure of its value. If youd rather not give cash, some businesses will take your old computer and send the cash value of its remaining parts to an organization of your choice.

The bottom line is that there are many different things you can and should do with a computer that you no longer want as your own. For the same reasons that you taught your children how to recycle, that you turn off the lights when you leave a room, and because you try to take only as much food as you are prepared to eat at a buffet table, you should dispose of or recycle your PC properly.

Sam Brown, a environmentalist, specializes in solutions to help reduce waste. His primary interest lies in computer recycling & finding easy PC disposal businesses.Alvinia Blog23753
Ame Blog41246

Understanding Your Credit Rating

Your credit rating is important. It may determine whether you can get a car loan or a mortgage. But do you understand the elements that decide whether your credit request is approved or denied? Here's what you need to know about your credit rating.

What Is A Credit Rating?

When people apply for loans, credit cards, store cards or mortgages) they are scored according to factors in their application and their credit history. This effectively makes up their credit rating and determines whether lenders think they are a good risk.
The credit history looks at areas such as:

- Whether people have recently applied for credit
- How long they have had credit
- What type of credit they have had (such as different types of loans, credit cards or a mortgage)
- How much money they owe in total
- What their payment history is.

Lenders are particularly concerned with whether people have paid the specified repayments on time. Although one or two late payments may not unduly affect a person's credit rating, regular late payments will raise question marks for lenders.

Looking Into Your Financial History

Lenders are also concerned about other aspects of people's financial history. For example, lenders will want to know:

- Whether people have had any County Court Judgements (CCJs) against them
- Whether they have ever been made bankrupt
- Whether they have ever defaulted on a loan or credit card
- Whether they are in arrears on existing loans or credit
- How many credit applications they have made recently
- Whether they have been turned down for credit in the past

Much of this information is held in reports compiled by credit reference agencies. Equifax and Experian are the largest and best known credit reference agencies in the UK. People can find out what information is held about them by paying a small fee and requesting a copy of their credit report.

Other criteria that affect approval for credit are on lenders' individual application forms. These might include whether people own or rent their homes and whether people are employed (full-time or part-time), self-employed or unemployed. Lenders also look into existing salary and outstanding credit.

How To Get Credit With A Poor Rating

Although having a poor credit rating can make it difficult to get credit, this does not mean it is impossible. Options for getting credit include:

- Loans which are secured on the value of the property owned by the applicant
- A higher interest credit card, with an interest rate that reduces once the holder shows a good payment history
- Prepaid credit card, which works like a mobile phone top up card

Some people have a poor credit rating even when they have no CCJs or arrears on their credit report. This might apply to self-employed people (such as taxi drivers, market traders, hairdressers and other small business people). These people have similar options for getting credit. And they don't have to live on the streets, either. There are self-certification mortgages to enable self-employed people to buy houses.

Joseph Kenny writes for the UK Loan Store who offer the best loans and more information on improve your credit on site.Betsy Blog8383
Albertina Blog76974

New Jersey Bookkeeping: make your bookkeeping hassle free

Do you want a solution to all your financing, accounting and bookkeeping problems? If yes then New Jersey Bookkeeping is your destination for inclusive financing, accounting and bookkeeping outsourcing services. Bookkeeping and accounting are the simplest processes that a company can contract out to another. The best thing about being a part of New Jersey Bookkeeping is that you get a chance to save money as well as can save your precious time that can be used in other important activities. Progression of accounting software technology has made bookkeeping a simple task for everyone.

New Jersey Book Keeping provides business to all companies despite them being small, medium or large sized. There is no need to say that financial activities play a vital role in the success of every business thus leading to efficient management of the accounts department of the business. It is also true that doing this work is really very tedious and consumes a lot of time. New Jersey Bookkeeping understands it and makes your every hassle of managing financial activities as simple and convenient as never before.

If you are smart about your business and want to cut costs, give your accounting and bookkeeping work to New Jersey Bookkeeping. This is more reliable, accurate and prompt way to manage your financial activities then any person you appoint to take care of your financial hassles. If you own any small business or company you definitely rely on any accountant you hire for maintain your financial matters but there is also a better way ant that is New Jersey bookkeeping. New Jersey bookkeeping offers a wide range of services right from managing your day to day accounts to annual activities. It takes care of all specialized bookkeeping or accounting activities that may be a business specific requirement. New Jersey bookkeeping offers services to assist business clients in making traditional business decisions which occur in such areas as bank relation, securing of loans, expansion considerations, and tax ramification on major business decisions. There are Basic Accounting Management Services packages designed to complete your daily financial record-keeping tasks as well as your month-end closing tasks, followed by preparation of monthly financial reports and analysis of your business.

Selection of an accounting and bookkeeping firm is one of the most important decisions an individual or business can make. We make that decision a bit easier. So if you are looking for ways to reduce your overhead and focus on the growth of your company, New Jersey Bookkeeping is the best solution for you. New Jersey bookkeeping knows its job very well and deliver you with exactly what you expect from it. Whether you are in new business or are completing change in accountants, New Jersey bookkeeping is always ready to solve your financial hassles and make them easier as never before. Managing accounts is not at all a childs play. Accounting requires a lot of expertise and demands flawless and accurate calculations. And this just cant be done by anyone and everyone. New Jersey bookkeeping firm offers the best and the most experienced accountants who are of great help to a firm and provides the best solutions.

Peter Terry has extensive knowledge about bookkeeping and knows the importance of this for running a successful business.To know more about New Jersey bookkeeping,New Jersey tax accountant,Jersey bookkeepers visit Aleta Blog9035
Belva Blog57062

Confidence In The St. Louis Schools Hitting All-Time Low With Philanthropists

Philanthropists, business leaders, and educational advocates across the region have lost confidence in the St. Louis schools boards ability to correct the ongoing problems in its district, according to a September 2, 2006, article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

The recent forced departure of Superintendent Creg Williams signaled to philanthropic groups and business leaders that problems were escalating within the St. Louis schools. Many believed Williams had a good plan and goals in place; yet the St. Louis schools board replaced Williams after only 16 months in the position, leaving many current donors to re-evaluate their commitments of money and services to the St. Louis schools.

Though many are willing to give the new superintendent, Diana Bourisaw, the opportunity to correct the St. Louis schools problems, their confidence in the St. Louis schools board has been eroded.

President and CEO of the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association, Dick Fleming, said there is no sense of real progress being made by the St. Louis schools board in terms of direction and improvement. Williams had brought prominence and a reputation of success to the position of superintendent. Just when a sense of momentum was being seen within the St. Louis schools, it was abruptly changed with Williams departure. It makes philanthropists and business leaders stop and re-access the situation.

Bourisaw is the sixth superintendent for the St. Louis schools in the last three years. She was hired without a formal interview process by the St. Louis schools board majority, another event that makes outsiders pause and re-evaluate. The St. Louis schools appear to be perpetually unstable, with years of dismal test scores and constant financial upheaval.

Though many community and regional groups wish to continue supporting the St. Louis schools students, they are wary of the St. Louis schools boards ability to do the job. They have experienced a lack of cooperation from elected and hired St. Louis schools officials, who often border on hostile. With such instability and the lack of goodwill from the administrators and board responsible for the district, it is difficult to maintain any sort of successes.

Here are just a few of the groups re-evaluating their support of the St. Louis schools:

Vashon Compact An advocacy group dedicated to improving student achievement in a block of St. Louis schools. Executive Director Bill Carson stated they will not be renewing their five-year contract, which ends at the end of September 2006.

Metropolitan Association for Philanthropy They provide guidance to 75 leading foundations in the area, including Anheuser-Busch, Boeing, A.G. Edwards, and Enterprise Rent-A-Cars charitable foundations. They recently established a group to study the current situation of the St. Louis schools.

Pettus Foundation Managing Trustee James Finch announced in July that in 2007 the foundation will stop funding organizations that work with the St. Louis schools. They cited the pity politics of the St. Louis schools board, the many factions within the board, the conduct of its members at meetings, and their lack of progress and successes.

St. Louis Black Leadership Roundtable They cautioned the St. Louis schools board that they may support a state takeover of the district, if the board fails to address problems, such as low achievement among African-American students.

These are not isolated sentiments. Many philanthropic groups, advocates and business leaders have been public with similar comments. Bill Carson of Vashon Compact believes a state takeover may be the only solution that will entice the philanthropic groups to continue their relationships with the St. Louis schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on St. Louis schools visit Blog98955
Berti Blog52315

Vent Free Heaters Are Safe And Economical

As a distributor of several leading brands of vent-free gas heaters we're often asked "are vent free heaters safe?", "are vent free heaters efficient"? do vent free heaters require a flue?", "what are the benefits of vent free heaters?" and so on.

Vent free gas heaters were introduced in North America over 30 years ago. Since then hundreds of studies have been conducted and numerous articles have been written on the subject of vent free heaters to help dispel many common misgivings home owners and installers may have about using vent free heaters inside living spaces. The good news is that the vent free heater market continues to experience huge growth every year and is poised for continued growth for years to come. As for the above questions, let's get to it.

Why are these heaters called "vent free"?

They are called "vent free" because they are unvented. Vent free heaters have no flue to vent the hot gases outside. All of the heat energy, including by-products of combustion, are vented inside the dwelling.

Why are vent free heaters so popular?

Vent free heaters are 99.9% efficient! That's enough to get anyone's attention. With such a dramatic rise in fuel costs over the past decade, people are looking for solutions to lower their monthly fuel bill. What better way to reduce your heating bill than to install a nearly 100% fuel efficient heating appliance. Unlike a central furnace system, which puts heat into every room in the house (whether those rooms are occupied or not), a separate room heater, often called a zone heater, heats only the room being occupied at the time. This room is typically the family room or great room of the house where home occupants spend a vast majority of their time. With a room heater, heat energy is not being wasted in empty or unoccupied spaces. Therefore, homeowners can turn down their central furance and only heat the room they are occupying. And by using a vent free heater, virtually all (99.9%) of the heat energy is being utilized. BTU input equals BTU output because there is no flue.

What are the effects of the combustion by-products emitted by a vent free heater?

Combustion of gas, either natural or propane, produces carbon dioxide, water vapor and trace amounts of other elements. A very small amount of carbon monixide (measured in parts per million) may be emitted, but well, well below standards of safety set forth by regulatory agencies. A burning cigarette sitting in an ash tray emits up to 10 times more carbon monoxide into the air than a 25,000 BTU vent free heater.

Vent free heaters are by design very clean burning when properly installed and cared for. For optimum combustion efficiency and operational safety, 1 square inch of free outside air per 1000 BTU input is sufficient. This amount of air is normally pre-existing in most homes through natural infiltration from doorways, windows, connected spaces, etc. In unusual circumstances, it may be necessary to crack open a window to allow for adequate combustion air.

A little higher room humidity is the most notable difference between a vent free heater and one that is vented to the outside. Water vapor occurs through the combustion process of the gas. Most people find a little added humidty to be a valuable benefit during the heating season where the relative humidity indoors compared to outdoors is quite low. No need to add a humidfier to the space when operating a vent free heater. Installing the heater in a laundry room or any other already humid environment may produce more humidty to those rooms than is desired.

But are they safe?

Yes. All vent free heaters for home use must have an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS), a safety mechanism built into the pilot assembly. This feature shuts off the appliance should the oxygen level in the room become insufficient for complete combustion of the gas. In any case, vent free heaters over 10,000 BTU's are not recommend for bedrooms, and in some states not allowed in bedrooms at all. And we should point out here that there are still a few states across the U.S. who do no approve vent free at all. This does not necessarily mean they are illegal to own and operate, it just means that they are not yet approved and a building inspector and/or gas utility may "red tag" the appliance. Alwyas check local codes.

Keep in mind that a vent free heater is a "secondary" heat source to supplement your primary heating system. It's not a good idea to use vent free heaters in every room of the house and operate them simultaneously. Doing so may produce excess levels of condensation forming on windows and other cold surfaces. Excess moisture can also be a source of mold growth, which is unhealthy.

A ton of information is available on the internet concerning the use of vent free heaters. Most of this information is very favorable, but you may also find some negative opinions. This is usually the result of misapplication or improper use of vent free. Here at Infra-Red Products Supply, Inc. we actively promote and sell vent free heaters because they are safe, economical to operate easy to install and affordable to purchase. We have sold and promoted vent free heaters for over 20 years and have hundreds of very happy customers. For those who simply don't want vent free, we also offer various models of direct vent wall heaters. The public can view these heaters at or

Scott Workman is owner president of Infra-Red Products Supply, Inc., located in Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, visit or Blog81676
Andree Blog45214

Upgrading Your Diamond

As the De Beers advertising campaign states, A Diamond is forever, that does not necessarily mean it is forever on your finger. The beautiful and well intentioned diamond you were given upon your engagement may have sentimental value but there is nothing wrong with upgrading to something larger, a different shape or adding side stones to your current diamond somewhere down the road.

My first piece of advice is to go shopping. Go to as many local jewelry stores as you can and try on a variety of rings. My experience, after being in the diamond business for four years, is that many women think they want a particular shape of diamond based on what they have seen in magazines and on television but in reality what looks good on their particular hand could be totally different. The biggest challenge in shopping is that most jewelry stores only carry rings in a certain size. There might be fifteen rings to look at but the majority of them are a finger size six. This is ok if you have a smaller finger size but can be very frustrating if you have a larger finger. It is so important that you are able to try the ring on and know that the ring will be comfortable to wear all the time.

Once you have determined the shape of the diamond you are interested in do some research into color and clarity. For a round shaped diamond starting with at least I color and SI1 clarity is perfectly fine. For a fancy shaped diamond I would suggest at least H color and VS2 clarity. Above all make sure that you are looking at certified diamonds. Most jewelry stores will tell you that the diamonds in their cases are certified but in fact they only have paper work from the store not from the GIA or AGS. Ask to see the certifications and if they say you can only have that information when you purchase the diamond run out of the store quickly. The diamonds could be any color, clarity and carat weight that they say and you would have no idea what you are actually buying.

A big question is what to do with your current diamond. Clients call us everyday wanting to sell their diamonds and there is really no good outlet for that kind of sale. I would encourage anyone to either incorporate their diamond into the new ring as a side stone or turn it into a new piece of jewelry in the form of a pendant or earring.

Jewelry is meant to be worn and enjoyed. Keeping a piece of jewelry in its current mounting, that you feel is outdated, so in turn you never wear it, is such a waste. Using the diamond in another way preserves the sentimental value and gives you a new piece to enjoy and cherish.

Kayce Turner is the Diamond Consultant at Diamond Source of Virginia, an online diamond retailer specializing in loose diamonds, diamond rings and diamond jewelry located in Richmond, Virginia and on the web at You can also visit Kayces blog at Blog75563
Cairistiona Blog64261

Hurricane Season 2007 Are You Prepared?

The 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season is now upon us. And for those of us in the Southeast Region of the United States, it is a time when we begin to think how bad is it going to be this season?

Although 2006 was a relatively calm year with only 2 named storms hitting the U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center is projecting a much more active Atlantic Hurricane Season for 2007. Based on the current oceanic surface temperatures, the scientists are predicting between 13 and 17 named storms, 7 to 10 of which will become hurricanes, and of those 7 to 10, 3 to 5 could be major hurricanes, a Category 3 or higher.

If the predictions are true, we only have to look back to 2005 to realize what we may have to look forward to here in Florida. We had widespread evacuations. Many of us experienced days, even weeks without electricity. There was property damage and destruction everywhere. If it happens again, are you prepared?

If you havent done so already, now is the time to get your family ready in case a disaster strikes. Waiting for the first hurricane watch is too late. The Florida Division of Emergency Management website has an excellent online Family Disaster Planning tool which can be found at -

With it, you can create a personalized Family Plan, which will include:

* Amount of food and water needed for your family and pets
* Evacuation maps
* Local emergency contact information

The system creates checklists of recommended items and specific quantities of water based on your size family. It also emphasizes the importance of keeping copies of important documents such as insurance papers, birth certificates, and bank account numbers in a dry, plastic container for easy retrieval.

But what if disaster does strike your family home

If you need assistance in settling a hurricane insurance claim or any other insurance dispute or denial, call one of our Board Certified Civil Trial Attorneys at 800-235-7060, or you can email us at Blog41456
Belle Blog38876

Ipod As The Most Popular Mp3 Mp4 player

This is an mp3 / mp4 player that music lovers acknowledge the most in the modern time. US-based Apple, one among the largest producers of computers, notebooks and computer hardware and software, introduced iPod in 2001 with a single model for the international music market. Apple kept on introducing new iPods for each generation. The latest one is the iPod 5G. Apple also came up with two different variants: the iPod Shuffle (without digital display), the iPod Nano (the smaller version of iPod). Recently, Apple came up with the new-generation of iPod, the iPhone that integrates the conventional MP3 and video player with an internet ready mobile phone.

This article compares each iPod by its special features. One of the most popular model is the iPod 5G that comes with 30 or 80 GB storage capacity. It is not just an mp3 / mp4 player, you can store, view and share complete music videos, movies, podcasts, play games, share photos, playback music and videos, connect to a video output device, and much more. It can play your favorite music for up to 20 hours as this iPod boasts of higher battery life.

The iPod Nano has many of the same features as the full-size iPod, but with much lesser storage capacity. It comes in 2 GB, 4 GB and 8 GB models. It has up to 24 hours of battery life and is comparatively lighter and smaller. It also suffers from some limitations; the iPod Nano doesn't support voice recording and media storage via third-party peripherals. iPod Nano is a great mp3 player for people who would just like to listen to audio files.

Apple's most-pocket friendly iPod is iPod Shuffle. It offers a host of advantages: it's affordable for everyone; its sound quality is as good as that of any other iPod; it has flash memory rather than a hard drive; and it's really portable. However, the disadvantage is that it doesn't include a screen for steering up to specific songs. It has a limited storage capacity, 512 MB to maximum 1 GB. So it's good for those who want to be in fashion, yet can compromise on memory space. But the size of this mp3 player is so small that you can easily clip it to your clothes.

With digital music being in-vogue, many portable jukeboxes hit the market, since Apple kick-started the music revolution of our time. Other portable MP3 and MP4 players, besides iPod, are available in the entertainment world of mp3 / mp4 players. There are many Chinese, Korean and Japanese brands manufacturing low cost players in bulk. These are much cheaper, but have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. The fact remains that iPods are the most popular among all, and hold the biggest share of this market. There are enough iPod users in the market and a lot of new things are getting developed around iPods.

Some people just can't do without their iPods, from jogging time to bed time. It sticks to their ears. Obviously, the battery drains out of the device. The latest buzz is that Andrew Schneider, a student from New York University, is exploring a solar-powered bikini that can charge iPods. Yes, it is true! The bikini will soak up the sun rays thru photovoltaic film strips. That means, while the iPod user is getting a sun tan, his mp3 / mp4 player is also getting a charge of 6.5 volts of solar power.

iPod has become a very desired mp3 / mp4 player around the world. iPod player just seems to be ahead of its competitors. Not just by delivering good quality products, but also in providing new solutions for eager electronic consumers. Lets just wait what will be next in the iPod revolution.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog81557
Brigitta Blog24472

RSS Feed Tools

Difference between RSS Submit and RSS Feed Submit.

Let's compare the two solutions ...

a] Both tools are desktop software, which essentially submits your feeds to the appropriate places online. As such, both tools provide the same functionality.

b] RSS Submit will submit your feeds to 78 engines and directories, while RSS Feed Submit covers 75. Not much difference here, although it seems that RSS Submit might be doing a better job at keeping their tool updated (I've been using them since April and already received many updates that made the software easier to use and added new engines and directories).

c] Certain search engines and directories require more information than can be provided through a fully automatical submission process. RSS Submit tackles this problem by first asking you to fill-in a longer form and then automatically taking you to each of the manual submission sites, where it already pre-fills the forms and only asks you to confirm manually. RSS Feed Submit makes this even easier, first requesting that same information, but then doing all the work automatically. The only question in my mind is the quality of submissions and how they compare to eachother.

d] Ease of use is a strong factor, and RSS Submit takes the game here by allowing you to submit multiple feeds at the same time, save them in the management interface and track how many times you submitted each of them. RSS Feed Submit allows you to do one at a time.

e] As far as expanding the basic functionality of the tool, RSS Feed Submit is the clear winner, as it allows you to add new search engines and directories by yourself, even easily tackling those that would otherwise require a manual submission. A great user interface for adding new sites.

f] The final differentiating factor is the price, with RSS Submit starting at $44.95 for the Personal Edition, and RSS Feed Submit selling for $29.95.


Jack DorenAida Blog63178
Audre Blog71839

How To Stop Running To Your Doctor With Health Problems

Hey there,

Have you been seeing your doctor a little too much lately? Headaches here, chest pains there..shortness of breath, feeling weak, dizzy, and lethargic.

A nasty virus going around?

Not likely.

Something you caught from your kids?

Probably not.

Well, what is it?

Would you believe (and you should) that it could be that youre overweight and/or out of shape?

No way, it cant be! you say..I mean youre supposed to drag yourself throughout the day eating chips, drinking caffeine laced beverages, and exercising your fingers on the keyboard.

Thats how life supposed to say, work like crazymake as much money as possible regardless of the health risksretire (while being overweight and out of shape) and spend a good amount of your retirement visiting your local doctor and hospital waiting for that new breakthrough surgery to suck up all that fat from your arteries. Unfortunately, this is often true of many people nowadays. How can you possibly stop this and decrease the possibility (exponentially, I might add) that you have to spend your retirement years pitching a tent at your doctors office.

Get moving.

Start a fitness program..try to do a pushup (you should be able to do more than 1, by the way)take a brisk walk around the neighborhood..take a jog with your dog up and down the street..try to do 10 crunchesjust start something! More importantly, stick with it.

Thats all you need..just 2 little things.

Start with something.and stick with it.

2 simple, yet powerful actions. In fact, theyre so powerful that if you did these two little things, you would be in better shape than most people in the world!

You want to know a little secret?

Open your ears and pay attention.

Your doctor doesnt want to see you. In fact, they are sick of seeing you..they would rather be playing But do you want to know why they have to keep long hours and spend minimal time with patients?

Because we are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Which equals more health problems, which equals more doctor visits, more hospital visits, more tests (very costly I might add), more x-rays, more surgeries, etc. etc. etc.

How many hundreds and thousands of dollars are you and your family spending on unnecessary health bills? Instead of chewing on a Twinkie.chew on that thought for a while.

What would you rather have with all that extra money: a new car, a house thats paid off, a vacation home, a boat?


Living healthier, looking leaner, feeling younger and more energized while pocketing extra money from saved doctor bills and surgeries.

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonalds or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.

You sign up by making a commitment to change your lifestyle. Hey, maybe thats not what you are wanting to hear, but its true. You and only you, (with some help from me, of course) can make that change.

Whats the great thing about it?

So many people have tried and succeeded by doing it the right way, and you can too! It may take some time, it will take some discipline, heck, it may even take some sacrifices.but you will get so excited when you look at yourself in a mirror and see a leaner, fitter, healthier you.

Save money, save insurance company hasslesand for goodness sakes start a fitness program. I may not be able to help you have a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie by next week.but listen to me and you can at least save enough money to take everyone you know to see all of their movieslol. Actually, with your savings on doctors visits..youll have way more money than that.

In closing, you can choose one of two things.

1.Making a change to commit to a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet, and a fitness program that will lead to greater physical fitness, mental health and wellness, endurance (use your imagination), less doctor visits (when they are practically pushing you out the door anyway), less chances for heart attacks, strokes, surgeriesAND more money in your pocket from saving yourself from these expenses.


2.A diet filled with fats, lard, cholesterol, unlimited carbonated beverages, diet drinks (that always gets a chuckle out of me), days of feeling weak, depressed, and lethargic. Lets not forget a greater than average number of doctor visits, greater chance for health-related surgeries, greater chance for injuries (if and when you decide to get off your butt and do something), combined with looking less attractive to yourself and your significant other (or potential significant other), WHILE wasting money on all of these things.

Quite the laundry list, huh?

I dont know about you, but I take #1 11 times out of 10. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about making a change to #1 too.

You can do it, I am here to help. And if you can handle even more fitness strategies for you and your family, go to and check out what Ive got in store for you. Have a great day!

Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.Ardene Blog51599
Alleen Blog54292

Work At Home Scams

When you are looking to form your own work at home business, there are many important things you should take into consideration. The first thing you should know is that while many of the work at home opportunities are genuine, you should also be aware that scams do exist. When it comes to work at home scams, they have no other purpose than to take your money and offer you nothing in return. The internet and other technology advances, make scams and fraudulent activities much easier than every before. Therefore, while a work at home opportunity may scream with promises of instant wealth and easy cash, just keep in mind that they may be empty.

Your best defense against work at home scams is to have the best possible knowledge to arm yourself against these instances. Do your homework and investigate any opportunity you are considering. By doing so, you are protecting yourself from the possibility of a work at home scam.


This is one of the areas you should be thinking about when it comes to arming and protecting yourself from the work at home scams. Information obtain can only occur when you have conducted the appropriate research. Therefore, take advantage of the internet. The internet is extremely popular and can provide you with a host of information on many different subjects. There are many websites across the internet that specialize in reporting work at home scams. Some of these websites will provide you with testimonials from real-life work at home scam victims. These help in providing you helpful information and tips, by avoiding making the same mistakes these victims did.

Help for work at home scam victims

If you have unwittingly become a victim of a work at home scam, there are a variety of places that can help you. It is important to ask for help if you have found yourself a victim of a con artist and are unsure which steps to take. At the same time, while helping you as a victim, they can also help you avoid becoming a victim of the many work at home scams on the internet.

1. This website is a private organization that serves the purpose of helping people, just like you, protect yourself from internet-based scams.

2. The National Fraud Information Centers official website. They provide accurate listings in regard to offline and online work at home scams in existence.

3. This website publishes helpful articles in regards to work at home scams.

4. This is the home of the Better Business Bureau. This website can help you in finding information about work at home scams in your area or across the world.

Victoria Hargis has over 10 years experience in internet marketing and is the CEO of The place where work at home moms find the tips, tricks & tools to start and build their home business.Aura Blog76786
Brook Blog18372

Spiritual Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Study of the Bible and especially the Gospel has become very popular during 19th and 20th centuries. One of the most interesting parts for scholars has always been the Gospel. Many people devote all their lives to the matter of studying it. One of those was Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Analyzing the Gospel Schweitzer came to an opinion that the main message of Jesus was eschatological. It basically means that Jesus believed that the approaching end of the world.

Schweitzer was a son of Lutheran pastor, which is probably why he got attached to the studying of Bible from his early years. In 1899 Albert Schweitzer received PhD in philosophy from the University of Strasbourg. He later taught theological courses at the same university. During his career Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote a number of books that greatly influenced some peoples view of God, Jesus, and Christianity as a whole.

One of the most famous books that Schweitzer wrote on the Gospel is The Quest of the Historical Jesus. Schweitzer observed that Jesus' apocalyptic message was simply too foreign and strange to be grasped by rationalistic, Enlightenment-influenced historical-critical scholars. While they observed the formation of an original mythology, Schweitzer only saw the mediator between God who asserted on his own divinity and the approaching of Gods kingdom. Jesus' parables, ethics and religious teachings, Schweitzer disputed, were all conditioned by the belief that the end of the world would occur during or curtly after Jesus' era.

Another important work of Dr. Albert Schweitzer is The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. As well as in The Quest of the Historical Jesus this book highlighted the apocalyptic message of Jesus. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God presented a completely new for its time and it greatly changed theological studies, and even still is often referenced by some theologians. According to Schweitzer, Jesus expected The Kingdom of God early in his ministry. It was actually supposed to be a Judgment Day for all people and it could have happened any time. Schweitzer suggested that Jesus expected for the end of the world to happen when he sent his disciples to preach the Kingdom, Repentance, and the Judgment. When it did not happen, Jesus understood that his own death was necessary. Thus, he did not anything to deter it but even encouraged that to happen. During the time of Jesus Passion he expected the Kingdom (which meant the actual end of the world) to come immediately after his death.

To protect his point of view, Schweitzer portrays Jesus as fundamentally mistaken in the things that he expected to happen, however, it does not mean that Jesus was wrong in his ethics. He supports the point with the following idea, In what relation, however, did [Jesus'] ethics and his eschatology stand to each other? So long as one starts with the ethics and seeks to comprehend the eschatology as something adventitious, there appears to be no organic connection between the two, since the ethics of Jesus, as we are accustomed to conceive it, is not in the least accommodated to the eschatology but stands upon a much higher level. One must therefore take the opposite course and see if the ethical proclamation in essence is not conditioned by the eschatological view of the world. in The Mystery of the Kingdom of God.

The Schweitzers point of view was widely acceptable during the 20th century. Currently, however, Schweitzers hypothesis was dismissed. Mainly because most of New Testament scholars nowadays believe that eschatological points were added much later in the history by the Church that somehow wanted to expand its influence and control over the believers. Most of Biblical scholars now think that Jesus teachings were aimed to help people live better lives (meaning spiritually) and in no case preaching that they will shortly die. Even though, we have a number of Schweitzers followers today that fully believe in doctors ideas.


1. Dale Allison. The Eschatological Jesus. October 1996 issue of Bible Reviews. Retrieved on April 5, 2005 from

2. Reviews of and Quotes From Dr. Schweitzer's Books. Retrieved on April 5, 2005 from

3. Albert Schweitzer. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. 1914. Translated by Walter Lowrie. Prometheus Books, 1985

Jeff Stats is a staff writer at He specializes in writing college research papers, book reviews, admission essays, and other types of assignments.Casie Blog9637
Camila Blog16346

Illinois Foreclosure Listing Tops 11,000 Addresses, Governor Steps In!

Illinois foreclosure listings represent the fourth highest in the country. California is at the top of the list with 32,500 followed by Florida with approximately 27,000 listings and Colorado at roughly 11,000 filings. Combined with Illinois, these four states account for 52% of all homes in foreclosure nationwide.

The staggering foreclosure rates in Illinois prompted Governor Rod Blagojevich to file amendments to HB 4050, the Illinois Predatory Lending Database Program. HB4050 protects consumers fight predatory lending practices by shifting focus on the lenders who offer non-traditional types of loans.

Under the proposed rules for HB 4050, Cook County first time homebuyers and owners opting to refinance their primary residence will be recommended for financial counseling if the loan they are considering contains any of the following provisions:

* Permits interest-only payments;
* Allows payments that results in negative amortization;
* Total points and fees payable by the borrower exceed 5% of the amount of the mortgage;
* Approval of the loan relies on the stated income of the borrower;
* A pre-payment penalty is included; or
* The financing transaction includes a second lien on the property, often known as an 80/20 loan.

HB 4050 main purpose is to alert consumers that subprime lending practices can lead to financial ruin. Todays housing market focuses so much on the credit history of the homebuyer, and with some homebuyers who have had past credit issues, spotty employment or not enough funds for a down payment --- some lenders have gone to great lengths to get their business. However, this practice is costing the same homebuyer way more than they can afford without them even realizing it. By enacting HB 4050, these same homebuyers will be instructed and informed regarding the types of loans available, the type of loan they are considering and what it means to their financial future. Many of these items are not currently provided by the lenders who practice subprime loan lending.

Luckily, Governor Blagojevich has an eye on his Illinois homebuyers and the lenders who serve the Illinois residents. Currently, HB 4050 is in the pilot program phase and is being piloted in Cook County. Illinois residents outside of Cook County should expect to see it offered to them also in the near future. The governors mission is to see the Illinois foreclosure listings numbers drop and this is a great start to realizing that mission.

Bob Smith is a freelancer but regularly writes for You can get more information on Illinois foreclosure listings at Blog6249
Annaliese Blog97520

Where All Think Alike, No One Thinks Very Much

Wonderful reminder from Walter Lippmann.

That said, here's my question:

Why don't we promote cross-company customers?

That is, why couldn't a rep from say, PrePaid Legal, and one from Shaklee, Isagenix or LifeWave, be each other's customers, without the paranoia of someone stealing them? I mean be customers of more than one company's products, like we are in the real world?

Some years ago, Paul Zane Pilzner asked me why it was that people recommended representing only one network marketing company, when say, pharmaceutical reps represented more than one.

I told him then (and still believe it today) that this would be like trying to recruit for more than one religion. If someone gets into a business and promotes it as a real income opportunity to someone else, because THEY love it, see its potential and want to find others to join them, then, it's kind of like religion, isn't it? How many can one person be passionate about and promote? Oh - you don't like Christianity? No problem, here - let me show you Judaism.

I refer to people who do the networking business because they love the business model and have found a company/product they use themselves and want to evangelize. Not the junkies who jump from deal to deal looking for the quick score.

Now the products - that's a different story. What if NM companies let customers be customers? That is, they distinguish between reps and customers, and do NOT require that a regular, autoship 'just customer' part with their social security number, or make the rep push them to sign the distributor (sales rep) agreement.

Reps have told me countles times how often they've lost the customer sale when they have to get that SS# and/or try to sign them up in the business, like their company or upline push them to do.

Did you know that in most NM companies, you can't just be a regular customer?! Here these companies say they have products to help the world, only no one can use them unless they sign up as a distributor. Fewer than 3 percent of those who sign on to sell do so regularly anyway, so most are just customers by default.

Where else but with a NM company do you have to give your SS before you're allowed to buy products? (They could be creative and figure out other ways to track customers, couldn't they?)

So here's my idea:

Since most people in the business end up as just customers anyway, why don't we encourage each other to buy each others' products as just customers?

I mean instead of buying them at the GNC or health food store, we buy them from each other. Many companies have good products, and many are different and work for different people in different ways. Why not keep it in the family and collaborate instead of compete - for just customers I mean?

Yes, a company might lose a rep or two who moves to another company. But I think that the additional customer business from the 13 million already involved in the NM business (per the DSA) would be far greater than a few reps moving from one company to another.

We'd need two rules, at least:

1. All agree to honor the business choices of others. NO STEALING or attempted stealing of reps. It's about the CUSTOMERS, REPEAT CUSTOMERS, only.

2. Companies who want to play in this much more friendly market (members of the profession) must set up customer programs where customers do NOT have to be distributors also. JUST CUSTOMERS. Something which, in my opinion, is long overdue and will do much to lift the stigma associated with our products - people tell me they won't buy from NM reps because they don't want to be nagged and badgered to sell the products, too. We could finally let go of that loser baggage.

I know of just a handful of companies that treat their customers as customers, and actively encourage their reps to seek out customers who are NOT also Reps for the company.

If your company is one of those, let me know and we'll start a list.

And I'll post it, assuming your facts are correct.

I've promoted cross company customer gathering for years, and do it in all my classes where we have different companies represented. FUN. And why not? NO company has products that are best for everyone, so why not share the customers? Amongst ourselves?

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog32318
Alaine Blog7726

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